George Strickland began his career in commercial art by working at a newspaper art department and then graduating up to ad agencies, freelancing illustration and co-owning a design firm.

After several years in the commercial field he was inspired to move to fine art after taking painting workshops with such greats as Howard Terpning, Ken Riley and several other Cowboy Artists of America. A few years later he was further inspired to paint outdoor landscapes by William Reese and Jim Wilcox. That experience was a catalyst for his love of painting "Plein Air" which translates to painting directly from life.

George and his wife have moved around the country, living in Texas, Nevada, Colorado and Arizona, building a successful painting career along the way. He is currently living and working out of Tucson, Arizona, while continuing to teach throughout the U.S. and Europe. He is a signature member, and past president of the Plein Air Painters of America (PAPA), member of the California Art Club, and Northwest Rendezvous Group (NWR).